Saturday 20 February 2010

Phoenix Players and Snowy White

I missed it but I heard so many good things about it that I decided there and then to do a post about it!

Kindly, Justine Knight sent me some pics that I'll treat you to. And you'll either recognise them (if you were one of the lucky ones to watch the show...) or you won't recognise them and, in that case, take comfort in knowing that you are not alone and that you'll be able to watch their next show - HALF A SIXPENCE from the 9th to the 11th of September 2010.
Also here at the Nettlefold.

It's easy to know when there was a good show.
People tell you about it.
And they tell you with enthusiasm.
And when EVERYBODY keeps mentioning how good it was, well... that's when you're happy to have been part of the process of making it happen (however little...)

Bringing someone new onboard is always a strange process. There are needs to be met, expectations on both sides, things to learn, things to share. I guess there's always a little bit of anxiety since neither knows what they can really count on.

If things go well, if trust is placed and met on both sides then we can only but look at the future in a positive light.

Personally I'd like to see more community stuff happening in the Nettlefold. We have our fair share already (and not much more available space left...) but it's always nice when we can accomodate something so actively targeted at the local community as the Phoenix Players.

If you are curious and want to know a bit more about them (or join!) just click on the link for Phoenix Players. You'll have plenty of information (and more pictures!) about their ongoing activities, past and upcoming shows.

And, if you have Facebook, just search Phoenix Players - Drama.

So, big thanks to Justine Knight and Debbie Featherstone for liaising with us and putting on such a great show!

Thanks to Mark that designed the lighting for that play and that held the fort while I was away.

Thanks to Joanne that did all those extra hours so that the show could go on.

And thanks to Phoenix Players for being kind and professional and thoroughly having and sharing fun with all of us.
We look forward seeing you again!

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